Not all tea parties have to follow the guidelines of traditional etiquette but try a traditional afternoon tea at least once. You will find it absolutely delightful.
Victorian days the invitations were beautifully engraved on white paper, of course today anything goes even just a phone call. There is something special about a written invitation that honors our guest-as well as providing her with a written reminder of the date and time of the occasion. Printed invitations or tea cup note cards on lovely white paper is still a lovely and thoughtful touch for a tea party. The wording should be simple and clear: the parTEA room requests the pleasure of your company for afternoon tea, Sunday, June 30th between one and two o’clock. R.S.V.P.
Once the invitations are out turn your thoughts to preparing the table. White linen cloth and or white sheet dressed up with doilies accompanied by linen napkins for each person. Centerpiece of fresh beautiful flowers, not to many decorations as the food is the real centerpiece. Use your best serving pieces, china and silverware. Be sure to serve scones, tea sandwiches to your liking and tea fit for a queen. Enjoy with friends and make many memories.